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Main reference for our test is the New International manual of Music Notation.
Our test is generally based on some composition by Johann Sebastian Bach and by Leopold Mozart, downloaded from the Internet, made available in complete score and also in separate parts, which have been produced using FINALE, and afterwards saved in XML format and then converted to BMML and after imported using the program BME2 and the program BMR. In some cases we have chosen different pieces , also downloaded from the Internet (copyright free); furthermore, we realized specific examples, which will be duly mentioned.

Imports arpeggio slurs marking the little notes like little as appoggiaturas have been chosen, but this is a limitation of that final does not allow to write the cutting on the stem of Little Notes like Little grouped, if not with a graphic symbol.
Does not export the arpeggio slur.
Import and export three types of bar lines: dotted double, single and double final bar line;

The program  recognizes all clefs, except for the key for percussion, for which there is not yet a symbology for the Braille.

The program recognizes figures, even with one, two and three points, pauses, simple accidents and double, except for the interpretation of Semibiscrome, which, at the execution, at times, are considered as Bar contains four Beats, does not insert a prefix of value,  in this case braille dots: 6 /126/2 . Divides beats at the end of line.

Does not recognize fingering when importing a 
Transcribes correctly fingerings in export, including those for bow instruments.

Irregular groupings are correctly recognized, but arpeggiato is not recognized.

Kabalewski test

Writes time signature before the clef, and agogic indication after the clef, all in the first line, after part definition .
Usually the order is as follows:   agogic, metronome, key signature, time signature.
All these indications should appear in a dedicated line, before music itself.
In case of change of key signature, the program does not write deletion of old accidents.
In this file we observe also missing translation of metronome.

Kuhlau test

Leopold Mozart Concerto TB._Archi_Cembalo - I tempo"

Johann Sebastian Bach: Suite for Orchestra BWV 1068

Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata BWV 4 - II Choir

Ettore Pozzoli: Study no. 25 - Fragment (Studies in fast motion)

Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude BWV 552


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