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Main reference for our test is the New International manual of Music Notation.
Our test is generally based on some composition by Johann Sebastian Bach and by Leopold Mozart, downloaded from the Internet, made available in complete score and also in separate parts, which have been produced using FINALE, and afterwards saved in XML format and then converted to BMML and after imported using the program BME2 and the program BMR. In some cases we have chosen different pieces , also downloaded from the Internet (copyright free); furthermore, we realized specific examples, which will be duly mentioned.

Recognizes the lyrical output only. The vocalizations, however, must be recorded in a new way, conceived by BME2, which considers the situation starting from the text, rather than starting from the music, as it is traditionally.
Lyrics however should use appropriate signs for lyrics (dots 56/23 for start lyrics), and dots 6/3 for start of music. Disposition can be either music and lyrics, or lyrics and music on different lines. In Italy we use to write first lyrics and then music, like in the normal notation (notes underneath words.)

Mozart test

Marks the intervals of the octave as if they were unisone signature, i.e.: by placing the sign of the eighth before the symbol of the eighth. In the case the interval of the octave is accompanied by other intervals, the problem does not exist.

Recognizes all common ornaments. Does not recognize ornaments with abnormalities above the note, but this is a current limit of the XML format
Organ registers are imported correctly.
Organ pedalisation is ignored.
In addition to this file:
1. It does not recognize the precautionary alterations in parentheses; the software always them writes as normal alterations;
2. As already mentioned above, we do not understand why the octave interval is written with the octave sign before the sign. It always happens, if, in addition to the interval of an octave there are no other intervals on the same note;
3. The registers in organ pieces are written and imported successfully;
4. Does not recognize the musical Comma  (breath short );
Does not recognize the piano Pedal even in exporting module.
Slurs are always represented with signs 56-12 (opening) and 45-23 (closure), even between two notes, a little excessive. 
You should activate the slurs using points 14, also because in the case of slurs long interspersed with other slurs creates confusion;
Expressive slurs in polyphony in the same line, in XML export, are ignored if they appear in the second part, while they are imported correctly for both parts, by adopting the French sign.
Correctly importing of slurs but not the chord slurs, which are translated not correctly.  
A continuous sequence of identical chords are marked individually, without the technique of grouping. 
Recognizes the abbreviation in export module.
Does not recognize tremolo symbols neither in importing nor in exporting. This depends from a limit in music xml. In fact, there is the same problem for MIDI execution starting from an XML file.


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