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Verona conference

Friday, February 27, 2015

Although music is the only art totally accessible to visually impaired people, music literacy in Europe and not only in Europe is suffering a dramatic decline.

Braille was invented originally in order to allow blind musicians to be able to "read" their scores, and not only to play by ear (1829). Until the end of the '70s music studies offered valuable job opportunities to thousands of blind musicians all over Europe, and Braille music libraries / centres / services were present in almost every country, even smaller countries.

The new trend in learning methodology, as well as the schooling model based on integration of students with disabilities into mainstream schools, have had a negative impact on music literacy, as well as on other curricular subjects such as science, and on manual skills.


Roma 18/22 febbraio 2015

Corso di aggiornamento seminariale sulla didattica della musica per allievi con disabilità visiva.
Con questo corso  si intende dare un contributo significativo al rilancio degli studi musicali anche fra i non vedenti in età infantile ed evolutiva, attraverso un’opera di sensibilizzazione dei dirigenti scolastici e formando un gruppo di insegnanti preparati distribuiti sull’intero territorio nazionale, in grado di orientare e guidare i ragazzi con disabilità visiva negli studi musicali, recuperando una antica tradizione, ma servendosi, nello stesso tempo, delle opportunità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie.
La formazione dei docenti avverrà attraverso un work shop interattivo a carattere informativo/formativo residenziale, mentre con le tecnologie e gli accorgimenti più aggiornati verrà prodotto materiale didattico specifico utile ai partecipanti per approfondire gli argomenti oggetto del seminario.
Il corso residenziale completamente gratuito è di 32 ore, articolate in 4 giornate a partire dalle ore 15,00 di mercoledì 18 febbraio e fino alle ore 13,00 di domenica 22 febbraio e si terrà a Roma presso la Casa Accoglienza “Giovanni Paolo II”, in Via della Camilluccia, 120.

Music4vip project at the UKAAF Accessible Music Notation Conference at the RNIB in London

I am exhibiting BME2 and talking about our project at the UKAAF Accessible Music Notation Conference at the RNIB in London.

It is being broadcast live on Youtube! Just go to YouTube and put "UKAAF Conference live from RNIB" into the search box. Actually you only need type "UKAAF" for the live broadcast to appear in the search list.

People here are very interested in our project.

RNIB Focus group

The first meeting of the RNIB focus group on BME2 took place on 14 January 2014 at the national headquarters of the RNIB in London. The group consists of:

  • David Aprahamian Liddle - freelance organist and composer
  • Kate Risdon - freelance flautist, composer and teacher
  • Sally Zimmermann - Music Adviser, RNIB
  • James Risdon - Music Officer, RNIB
  • Jonathan Darnborough - UK Representative, Mus4VIP project

The purpose of the first meeting was to introduce David and Kate to the Braille Music Editor and to see how intuitive they found it as a  tool for writing music. The following short video shows just how quickly they were able to start notating their own music, whilst thinking in their preferred medium of work, Music Braille.

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