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Lundi, Juin 16, 2014

To: Teachers and blind students (10 People)
Where: Cracow

Presentation of BME2 and BMR at the Music School for the Blind in Cracow.

Lundi, Juin 16, 2014

To: Blind students and computer experts (5 People)
Where: Jagiellonian University

Presentation of BME2 and BMR at the Jagiellonian University, Assistance Centre for Disabled Students in Cracow.

Jeudi, Juin 5, 2014

To: Teachers (both blind and sighted) and blind students (10 People)
Where: Laski

Presentation of Music4vip Project, demonstration of BMR and BMW2 at Music School for the Blind in Laski.

Jeudi, Mai 8, 2014

To: Musicians (1 Person)
Where: Poznań

Presentation of BME2 and BMR to a blind musicianWarsaw, Poznań.

Mercredi, Mai 7, 2014

Where: UICI Of Milan e Circolo G. Baragli
Event repeated in dates: 25/06/2015

Milan branch of Italian Union of the blind is one of the most numerous among the Italian branches. In Milan there have lived and acted some well known blind musicians, such as the pianist Alberto Mozzati, Alberto Colombo. They invited us to present our project and we accepted their invitation very willingly.

Circolo Baragli is a place where visually impaired persons in Florence have their leisure and cultural activities. Music of course is one of the most relevant interests, and msome of the members play or sing. We presented our results, drawing their attention on some news opportunities, such as: learning how to "read" your score even after you have lost your sight (using Braille or using spoken music); how to print your composition for publication, or how to get your part if you are mjember of a choir, etc.


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