Tu sei qui


Sabato, 12 Aprile, 2014

To: Teachers, blind students, parents (35 people)
Where: Zachodniopomorskie voivodship
Event repeated in dates: 04/13/2014

Presentation of MUSIC4VIP in Zachodniopomorskie voivodship, demonstration of BMR and BME2, including individual consultations.

Venerdì, 7 Febbraio, 2014

To: All members of the associations, Local Authorities, Teachers and School, Parents of visually impaired persons, Visually impaired students, Florence University, Rehabilitation staff, Regional Authorities, Visual Rehabilitation Center, Florence Province, Assessor for social policies Florence Municipality, Association of the volunteers for the blind in Florence, Tuscany Region, Psychologist, trainers, Local networks devoted to what we call "the third sector", Pontassieve Committee for social inclusion, school assistants
Event repeated in dates: 1/7/2014 1/8/2014 1/9/2014 1/10/2014 1/13/2014 ...

Giovedì, 6 Febbraio, 2014

To: Musicians (1 person)
Where: Warsaw

Presentation of BME2 and BMR to a blind musician in Warsaw, Poznań.

Venerdì, 24 Gennaio, 2014

To: Teachers, trainers, Rehabilitation center, Association of volunteers for the blind, Professionals
Where: Rome 

One of the many laws concerning persons with disabilities in Italy (ACT 284 / 1997, is focused on prevention of blindness in broader sense and on rehabilitation of VI persons). Both scientific literature and many best practices consider long life learning as a significant aspect of visual rehabilitation; in fact one of the main reactions to the challenge coming from lack of vision (wheter total lack or partial lack) is education in broader sense. Music, as the most accessible art, but also as an opportunity for improving knowledges, skills, social relations, is fully compliant with our concept of rehabilitation, because it can reduce the gap between fully sighted persons and VI persons. Our project has realized innovative solutions capable of inverting the tendency towards expiration of music literacy among visually impaired persons of all ages and capable of reducing in a elevant wat the gap affecting didactical and social communication between VI persons and their sighted coun terparts (teachers, schoolmates, publishers, etc.)

Mercoledì, 1 Gennaio, 2014

To: Teacher and blind student (2 People)
Where: Kędzierzyn
Event repeated in dates: Until the end of the project

Individual coaching, distant learning of BMR in the town of Kędzierzyn.


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